©2024 IQ Sports Management
Privacy statement


This data protection notice explains how IQ Sports Management (hereinafter “Company”) processes personal data collected when using the website and and providing the services offered.

“Data processing” is considered any kind of personal data management, such as collection, storage, use, disclosure, modification, archiving or deletion. The Company puts in place security measures on a technical and organizational level to ensure that personal data is protected against the risk of loss, inaccurate modification or unauthorized access by third parties. We comply with Swiss data protection and telecommunication regulations when processing personal data.

Our website may contain external links that are not related to us in any way. Since we are unable to exercise any control over external behavior we disclaim any responsibility for the processing of personal data of this kind by third parties.


While browsing the site, our system automatically records data and information from the computer system of the retrieving device. Our website then performs passive collection of the following data:

  1. IP (Internet Protocol) address of the user;
  2. User’s Internet Service Provider;
  3. User’s operating system;
  4. Information about the type of browser and version used;
  5. date and time of access;
  6. pages visited on our website;
  7. Web sites from which the user’s system was directed to our Internet page;
  8. Web sites retrieved from the user’s system through our Web site.

We also collect personal information that you voluntarily make available to us by using the website and our services (active collection). For example, when sending a specific request.


The data collected is necessary to enable proper usability at our website, as well as to answer any questions transmitted by the user.
Automatically recorded data are used for the administration and optimization of the site itself.
We also process data in an anonymous format for statistical purposes. Data analysis for marketing purposes is not performed in this context.


Storage and processing of personal data continue as long as the purpose for which they are collected subsists and to the extent that this is required or permitted by law or contractual provisions. If data are not deleted because they are needed for legal reasons, their processing is restricted. This means that the data are blocked and are not processed for other purposes. This is especially true for data that must be kept for accounting or tax reasons or other legal obligations.


The Society does not sell or give away collected information to third parties for a fee. We may entrust third parties to perform functions on our behalf, in particular IT service providers and other service providers who, at our request, provide IT applications (e.g. collaboration platforms), support services, and other services for the purposes specified in this Data Protection Notice. These third parties will have access to the above information as necessary to perform the task entrusted to them, but may not use it for any other purpose. The Society does not use or disclose any personal information without your prior consent, except in cases where it is compelled to do so by law. In particular, information may be transmitted to both Swiss and foreign authorities in execution of corresponding administrative decisions or binding edition requests.


Our website uses essential cookies to ensure its proper functioning and tracking cookies to understand how you interact with it. Cookies are a small data files that allow specific information about the user to be stored on the user’s device while using the website.

The site uses three types of cookies: “session” cookies (temporary use), “persistent” cookies (time-limited use), and third-party cookies. Session cookies are used to improve site navigation and to collect aggregate statistical information. Persistent cookies are automatically deleted after a different default period depending on the type of cookie. This type of cookie is used to improve page usability by storing user-specific settings. In addition, the analysis tool used by the Company, “Burst Statistics,” also uses specific cookies.

You can change your cookie preferences at any time; however, not consenting to the use of all or part of cookies may adversely affect some features and functions of the site itself.


Persons whose data are processed have the right to request information according to Article 25 of the Federal Data Protection Act of September 25, 2020.

Insofar as the processing is based on the data subject’s consent, the data subject has the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time with effect for the future as well.

In addition, other rights conferred by the applicable data protection law can be invoked.
To exercise these rights, the data subject may contact the person in charge of data processing. The request will be processed in accordance with the applicable data protection law. The response to such a request may also be denied or limited in accordance with legal provisions.

If you wish to delete, correct or update personal information collected through the Web site, you will be able to do so by contacting us by e-mail. To protect your privacy and security we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making such deletions, corrections or updates.

Finally, the person being processed has the option under the Federal Data Protection Act to contact the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (www.edoeb.admin.ch).


A change in this data protection notice may be necessary, for example, if legislation changes or there is a change in the way personal data is processed.

Continued membership or continued use of the site by you implies your acceptance of the policy, in its revised versions from time to time.

It is your responsibility to re-read this policy frequently.

Last modification: March 20, 2024 |  v.1.0